John G. Shedd Aquarium

Log Number: MA-10-15-0515-15

The Shedd Aquarium will develop a pilot project to identify ways the aquarium can better engage and support the needs of people who are blind or have low vision, and enable them to experience the same positive social component of the aquarium visit as sighted patrons. While other museum types have developed offerings for this audience, techniques have not yet been explored in aquariums. Working closely with the blind and low vision community, staff will test and pilot ideas and tools. Other key activities include field research, consultation with experts, community engagement, exhibit enhancements that are tactile and technology-based, and staff training. The project will produce a plan for making enhancements, toolkits and training modules for staff; programs that enhance the Shedd experience; and stronger relations with organizations serving the blind or low vision community. The Shedd will apply key learnings and processes to efforts to engage other audiences with specific needs.