IMLS Evaluation of its Native Communities Grant Programs
A report published by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) evaluates the agency’s four grant programs specifically designed to support library and museum services in Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities.

A Retrospective Evaluation of Grants for AAHC
AAHC grants support activities that build the institutional capacity and promote the growth and development of museum professionals at African American museums. This is a comprehensive evaluation of the Museum Grants for African American History and Culture (AAHC) program.

Social Wellbeing Report
IMLS reengaged Reinvestment Fund, in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania’s Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP) and HR&A Advisors, conducted a national, exploratory study of how libraries and museums across the country affect the social wellbeing of their communities.

Community Catalyst Initiative Evaluation
CCI is an IMLS program that explores ways libraries and museums can leverage their unique places in communities to spark change. This evaluation identifies successful strategies, continued barriers, and insights into the community-driven collaborations undertaken in the Community Catalyst Initiative (CCI).

Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Evaluation
The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21) supports the training and professional development of library and archives professionals; developing faculty and information leaders; and recruiting, educating, and retaining the next generation of library and archives professionals in order to develop a diverse library and archival workforce and meet the information needs of their communities.

Grants to State Library Administrative Agencies Program Five-Year Evaluation
The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula. SLAAs may use federal funds to support statewide initiatives and services.

Accelerating Promising Practices for Small and Rural Libraries Program Evaluation
Accelerating Promising Practices for Small Libraries (APP) was a pilot initiative, launched in 2018, by the National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program. The goal of this pilot was to support projects that strengthen the ability of small and/or rural libraries and archives to serve their communities and to build grantee capacity through participation in a mentor-led community of practice.

Supporting Museums – Serving Communities: An Evaluation of the Museums for America Program
Museums for America (MFA) is the largest IMLS grant program for museums. In 2009 and 2010, RMC Research Corporation carried out an independent evaluation of the program and found that it has had an immediate and sustained impact on museum users.

Public Libraries' Role in Workforce and Small Business Development: A Look Across Ten Public Library Systems
In October 2022, the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), released new research examining the role U.S. public libraries play in supporting workforce and small business development. The initiative, in part, included funding to conduct new research about the role that public libraries play in supporting workforce development within their communities. This research included a literature review, a theory of change about libraries and workforce development, and ten case studies of U.S. library systems engaged in workforce activities.