Brooklyn Museum

Log Number: MA-10-16-0047-16

The Brooklyn Museum will implement "Shifting Focus: Looking Feminist at the Brooklyn Museum," a museum-wide investigation of how feminism informs our daily experiences and the way we look at the world. Every floor of the museum, including both the permanent and special exhibition galleries, will invite visitors to consider art, art history, and the presentation of the stories told from a feminist standpoint, challenging visitors' assumptions of art, art history, and feminism. The museum will develop a mobile app allowing visitors to compare traditional labels versus interpretation created for the project; a publication detailing the historical role of women at the museum; and updated Wikipedia pages related to art in the collection, highlighting feminism as a tool for critical cultural analysis. Results will include expanding how visitors think about feminism and its impact on art and culture; examining how museums participate in the politics of inclusion and exclusion and how awareness of this can transform museums.