Discovery Museum

Log Number: MA-10-17-0097-17

The Discovery Museums will modify or rebuild 10 popular exhibition components with a goal of serving a larger and more diverse audience. "Exhibits for All: The Inclusion Project" will begin with an analysis of the current accessibility of the museum's exhibitions, using a combination of observation and visitor surveys to determine baseline levels of engagement with and interest in key exhibition content. Staff will select those exhibitions that present challenges to engagement for visitors with disabilities and modify or rebuild them to maximize opportunities for audiences of all abilities to engage with exhibitions independently, build essential skills, and play alongside peers. The museum will invite expert accessibility advisors to review and measure the effectiveness of the work, providing opportunities for remediation and continued improvement. Successful, cost-effective strategies for accessibility-based exhibition refurbishment will be disseminated as a resource for other small and mid-sized museums that wish to improve their inclusivity profile but face budgetary constraints.