Children's Creativity Museum

Log Number: MA-10-18-0016-18

The Children's Creativity Museum will strengthen its mission to nurture creativity and collaboration for all children and youth by renovating its outdated Making Music Studio. By adopting a maker approach that encourages creativity through hands-on, project-based activities that emphasize "doing," the new exhibit will provide an immersive, multi-sensory, and learner-centered space for children aged 2-12 and their caregivers. Exhibit components will feature an interactive music box; pods for families to digitally record musical compositions; a track-mixing station; and opportunities for children to create musical instruments. Prior to finalization, the museum will install a pop-up exhibition featuring prototypes of the proposed components, where the staff and evaluators will conduct formative evaluations with thousands of children and parents. To increase the museum's capacity for reaching underserved audiences, the project will invite families of the Filipino Cultural Heritage District to experience the prototypes, offer their suggestions, and share their musical traditions and instruments with staff.