Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

Log Number: MA-10-18-0304-18

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden will engage the visiting public, community members, institutional leadership, and other stakeholders in a comprehensive process to develop an Interpretive Master Plan for its 86-acre California native plant garden. The garden will engage audience research and interpretive planning consultants to support key phases of the project, resulting in a written and illustrated plan to shape and guide the interpretative narrative of the public's experience, along with an evaluation and sustainability plan so that staff can continue with implementation over the next five to seven years. The project's primary goals are to raise public awareness and influence engagement in native California plant species and habitat conservation and promote sustainable landscape and water conservation practices in California. The interpretive master planning process will link core elements of the garden's mission with the public's role as environmental stewards, as active participants in their communities, and as citizens.