University of Arizona (Arizona State Museum)

Log Number: MA-30-16-0133-16

The Arizona State Museum will re-house 2,000 archeological basketry specimens with high scholarly significance and interest to the museum and its audiences and will treat 116 high-priority archeological items identified as unstable and threatened with further deterioration. The re-housing treatments will follow professional standards and will be based on observations made during the survey period. Conservation staff will engage its Southwest Native Nations Advisory Board with coordinating efforts in basketry revitalization in communities. The staff will build on their extensive knowledge, skills, and experiences with this collection and its proposed treatments with ongoing involvement in Native American Grave Protection and Reparation Act and Arizona State Law consultations and reparation claims. A training component in the treatment project will address the museum's commitment to education and outreach through the inclusion of interns, graduate students, and tribal members. The project will also develop publications, lectures, web information, and workshops for professionals, tribal communities and the public.