University of New Mexico (Maxwell Museum of Anthropology)

Log Number: MA-30-16-0536-16

The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico will improve stewardship of 1,288 boxes of bulk archaeological collections currently housed in a poorly secured off-site warehouse lacking environmental controls and fire suppression. Following the recommendations of a Conservation Re-assessment (ReCAP), the museum has made it a priority to rehouse the entire collection in the Hibben Center, located adjacent to the museum and designed specifically to house museum collections. The project will involve ordering compact shelving and supplies; relocating the existing collections in the Hibben Center to make room for the compact shelves; visually inspecting, freezing (if necessary for pest control), and moving the bulk collections to the Hibben Center; installing the compact shelving and carriage units; and then rehousing, cataloging, databasing, and organizing the collections on the new compact shelving. The rehousing work will be completed by volunteers and students under the supervision of museum staff, thus providing important hands-on experience for students enrolled in the University's Museum Collections Management course.