Shelburne Museum

Log Number: MA-30-17-0488-17

The Shelburne Museum will inventory, catalog, and complete condition surveys and conservation treatment for a collection of commemorative handkerchiefs and needlework tools. The museum will hire a textile conservator to assist with the work, which will also involve a group of embroidered samplers and hooked rugs. With the completion of the project, Shelburne Museum's entire collection of embroidered samplers will be stabilized and properly mounted for exhibition, and fifteen hooked rugs will be stabilized and fully prepared for exhibition. The museum's collections management database will be expanded with the addition of digital images of 285 artifacts and updated condition information for over 350 works in the collection. Summary reports and budgets generated from the condition surveys and treatment proposals created by the project will provide a basis for improving the manner in which these objects are stored as well as the museum's ability to plan future exhibitions.