Chilkat Indian Village

Log Number: NG-03-11-0227-11

Chilkat Indian Village’s Klukwan Community and School Library, Xux’ Daaka Hídí, is becoming a community gathering place that serves the cultural and educational needs of this small Tlingit village. While collection development activities will help fill in gaps in the current library holdings, a special component of this project will be the creation of 12 short local history/Tlingit culture bi-lingual books telling the story of recent village projects related to traditional knowledge and subsistence activities. In addition, schoolchildren will learn to create their own books based on their personal stories or local history using software programs and digital technologies that enhance 21st Century learning and communications skills. Tribal resources will be consolidated and organized in the library for increased public access. Library staff and advisory board members will receive training on how to effectively provide library services to their community.