Chilkat Indian Village

Log Number: NG-03-19-0205-19

The Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan (CIV) Community and School Library will gather and record elders' knowledge of Chilkat Tlingit protocols in order to document, preserve, and offer increased access to this information and increase knowledge about CIV heritage and protocols, revitalizing their use by clan leaders, in clan houses, and ceremonies. Audio and video interviews with elders and clan leaders will be used to create 12 recordings/films and 3 books to be checked out at the library or requested through interlibrary loan and copies will also be held in the Tribal Archives and at the Heritage Center. Tribal elders and clan leaders will have increased opportunity to contribute information to document protocols for future generations. The project audience, including tribal members, Klukwan and area residents, researchers, online patrons, and future generations, will have increased access to tribal cultural information and locally created cultural resources that preserve cultural knowledge. In addition, tribal members will use library resources to increase their knowledge about tribal traditions and culture and project staff will increase their knowledge and skills through a mentoring program.
Project Proposals
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ng-03-19-0205-19-proposal.pdf 297.57 KB