• Households Use of Public and Other Types of Libraries: 2002

    This ED TAB presents a series of tabulations that highlight households’ use of public libraries. Patterns of library use by household demographic, social, economic, and geographic characteristics are presented. The data for this ED TAB were collected as part of the October 2002 Current Population Survey (CPS) Library Supplement. NCES Publication Number: 2007327

  • ED TAB: State Library Agencies: Fiscal Year 2005

    This report provides a statistical profile of state library agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2005. The report includes information on governance, collections and services, service outlets and staff, revenue, and expenditures. The data were collected through the State Library Agencies Survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES Publication Number: 2007300

  • 2006 National Awards for Museum and Library Service brochure

    The National Awards are made annually by to museums and libraries that have demonstrated a long-term commitment to public service through innovative programs and community partnerships.

  • E.D. TAB: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2004

    This report includes national and state summary data on public libraries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with an introduction, findings, and numerous tables. The report is based on data from the Public Libraries Survey for fiscal year 2004. NCES Publication Number: 2006349

  • WebWise 2006 Conference Agenda

    The theme of the 2006 WebWise Conference is “Inspiring Discovery: Unlocking Collections." The focus of this signature IMLS initiative is to share the latest research and newest innovations in digital technology, exploring their potential impacts on library and museum services.

  • Designs for Change: Libraries and Productive Aging

    As the first of the baby boomers turn 60, public libraries are preparing to offer creative alternatives to retirement to a generation notorious for their idealism and activism. This report from the Americans for Libraries Council (ALC) and IMLS offers guidelines, demographics, and examples of model programs to public libraries interested in connecting these active older adults to new opportunities for learning, work, and community service.

  • Status of Technology and Digitization in the Nation's Museums and Libraries, 2006

    In 2001, the Institute conducted the first-ever study of the status of new technology adoption and digitization in the nation’s museums and libraries. This second study seeks to dig deeper and find out more about how and why our cultural institutions use technology and digitize their collections. It explores barriers as well as capacity and planning issues.

  • E.D. TAB: State Library Agencies: Fiscal Year 2004

    This report provides a statistical profile of state library agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2004. The report includes information on governance, collections and services, service outlets and staff, revenue, and expenditures. The data were collected through the State Library Agencies Survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). NCES Publication Number: 2006303

  • Heritage Health Index - Full Report

    Full Report of the Heritage Health Index (HHI), the first comprehensive survey ever conducted of the conditions and preservation needs of our nation’s collections. Conducted by Heritage Preservation in partnership with IMLS, HHI found that immediate action is needed to prevent the loss of millions of irreplaceable artifacts.

  • Charting the Landscape, Mapping New Paths: Museums, Libraries, and K-12 Learning

    On August 30-31, 2004 the Institute convened a conference and workshop examining the intersections of museums, libraries, and K-12 education. The resulting report captures the key issues that emerged at the workshop, highlights seminal project and partnership examples, and provides some common language around a vision for how museum/school/library collaborations can contribute to a learning society.