Deadline: September 20, 2024
Application: The FY 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) (PDF, 1MB) is now available.

Program Overview: The National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program (NLG-L) supports projects that develop, enhance, or disseminate replicable practices, programs, models, or tools to strengthen library and archival services for the American public.

The program supports projects that:

  • Serve the learning needs of the public through libraries and archives;
  • Improve community well-being through libraries and archives;
  • Provide broad access to and preservation of information and collections through libraries and archives; or
  • Provide services to affected communities in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Application Process: The application process for the NLG-L program has two phases; applicants must begin by applying for Phase I. For Phase I, all applicants must submit Preliminary Proposals by the September 20th deadline listed for this Notice of Funding Opportunity. For Phase II, only selected applicants will be invited to submit Full Proposals, and only those Invited Full Proposals will be considered for funding. Invited Full Proposals will be due March 10, 2025*.

Award Amount and Cost Share Requirement: Award amounts and cost share requirements are as follows:

Project Type

Award Amount

Cost Share Requirement

Planning Grants

$50,000 to $150,000

No cost share required.

Forum Grants

$50,000 to $150,000

No cost share required.

Community-Centered Implementation Grants

$25,000 to $100,000

No cost share required.

National Implementation Grants

$50,000 to $1,000,000

Requests of more than $249,999 in IMLS funds require at least 1:1 cost share from non-federal sources.

Applied Research Grants

$50,000 to $750,000

No cost share required.

Cost sharing is not considered in the review of applications but is an eligibility criterion for certain NLG-L project types. See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for further information on cost share.

Grant Period: One to two years for Planning Grants, Forum Grants, and Community-Centered Implementation Grants. One to three years for National Implementation Grants and Applied Research Grants.

Eligibility: See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for eligibility criteria for this program.

Program Contacts: We encourage all applicants to contact the member of our team whose portfolio most closely aligns with your proposal. In order for us to best support you, please be in touch early in the application process and prior to submitting an application. We also encourage all applicants to view the IMLS Awarded Grants database to see projects IMLS has recently funded in this program.

Erin Barsan

Archives and special collections
Audiovisual collections
Community archives
Digital collections
Digital preservation

Jill Connors-Joyner

Early learning
Future library and archival workforce
Informal STEM learning and Making
School libraries
Young adult services

Sarah Fuller

Community or population-specific services
Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
Library and Archives' organizational readiness and retention
Public health
Workforce development

James Neal

Civic technology
Data privacy and security
Digital inclusion
Open educational resources

Dr. Ashley Sands

AI/machine learning/data science
Open infrastructures
Research data management
Scholarly communications

If you have general questions, please contact Download the Quick Guide to IMLS Library Grants - Discretionary Programs.

Grant Program Webinar: We invite you to watch a pre-application webinar to learn more about the program.

*All grant programs are subject to the availability of funds and IMLS discretion.

September 20, 2024