The Institute of Museum and Library Services’ (IMLS) Workplace Health and Safety Plan (“Plan”) establishes a framework of operating status guidelines the agency will implement to help ensure a workplace consistent with best public health practices.

This updated Framework has been developed in accordance with relevant orders and guidance, including Executive Order 14122, COVID-19 and Public Health Preparedness and Response (issued April 12, 2024); U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance; Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines; and other Federal guidance.

It outlines the requirements to protect the health and safety of the IMLS workforce and for the safe accomplishment of the IMLS mission. This document is not meant to be exhaustive. IMLS will continue to follow CDC best practices and supplemental guidance issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This document replaces the IMLS COVID-19 Workplace Health and Safety Plan, dated 9/13/2022.

Protecting the health of IMLS staff, contractors, stakeholders, and visitors to the IMLS Office Space, while responsibly maintaining the agency’s readiness to fulfill its mission, remain the foundational principles of this Plan.

IMLS has consistently followed federal guidance, incorporating information provided by the CDC and other authoritative sources into agency practices and protocols to protect the health and safety of IMLS employees. Proactive, consistent communication among leadership, management, and employees has been and will continue to be a key component of the IMLS’s Workplace Health and Safety Plan.

The IMLS Workplace Health and Safety Plan applies to all IMLS Office Space, including all common areas adjacent to IMLS Office Space, unless otherwise specified within the Plan. IMLS health and safety procedures and protocols apply to everyone accessing the IMLS Office Space; this includes employees, contractors, grantees, visitors, and any other onsite personnel. A self-initiated assessment is required of everyone prior to accessing the IMLS Office Space.

Workplace Health and Safety Coordination Team

IMLS has established a cross-agency Coordination Team led by the Chief Operating Officer (COO), responsible for the preparation, revision, and implementation of workplace health and safety plan and protocols. The Team is responsible for ensuring both that IMLS leadership is apprised of the Plan requirements and contents and that the Plan’s policies and practices are in line with OMB, CDC, and other Federal guidance. If you have questions, please contact the COO.


IMLS’s primary goal is protecting the health and safety of all employees, as well as onsite contractors, conference or meeting attendees, and any visitors entering the IMLS Office Space. IMLS has a simple process for office access.

  • Everyone must review and comply with the Pre-Entry Self-Initiated Assessment Checklist before entering the IMLS office.
  • All visitors to the IMLS office must complete the Visitor Sign-in Log which is at the front desk in the IMLS lobby.

Pre-Entry Self-Initiated Assessment Checklist
Everyone shall undertake a general communicable disease symptom check prior to entering IMLS Office Space.

Common Communicable Diseases Symptom Check. Please assess if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever or Chills
  • Runny nose
  • Excessive Sneezing or Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste, smell, or appetite
  • Swollen glands
  • Skin Rash/lesions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If yes,

  • It is preferred that you do not attempt to enter the IMLS Office Space.
  • Alert your supervisor or IMLS POC.
  • If you still intend to work, please conduct your work remotely or via video call.

The Pre-Entry Self-Initiated Assessment Checklist is also posted:

  • On the Website
  • On the IMLS Intranet (the Hub)
  • At the entrance of the IMLS Office Space.

The Pre-Entry Self-Initiated Assessment Checklist takes a commonsense approach to stemming the transmission of communicable diseases and complies with CDC best practices. Should these guidelines be updated, the necessary corresponding changes shall be made to this Office Access Process. IMLS will communicate all such guidelines via email, post changes on the IMLS Website, the intranet, and provide staff updates during various meetings.


Office Space Occupancy
Generally speaking, IMLS will have no office occupancy limitations.

IMLS may exercise its discretion to reassess office occupancy limitations as conditions warrant. If IMLS does establish occupancy limitations and an operational business necessity arises that will exceed the occupancy limitations, the IMLS Director or Chief Operating Officer may modify or temporarily suspend the applicable office occupancy limitations.

In-Office Health & Safety Practices
Employees are encouraged to follow these practices to protect themselves and others from common communicable diseases while in the IMLS Office Space:

  • If using a shared workspace, disinfect the workspace surfaces after use (desk, keyboard, mouse)

General personal health safeguarding practices employees should keep in mind while in the Office:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or inside of the elbow when coughing or sneezing, immediately throw tissues in the trash, then wash hands.

Vaccinations, when available, are generally the most effective tool we possess to protect public health and the health of our workforce. There are no mandatory vaccinations for IMLS staff, contractors, or visitors. IMLS encourages staff and guests to maintain preventive vaccinations. Examples of these include but are not limited to COVID-19, Flu/Influenza, Chicken Pox/Shingles, MMR, and Tdap.

Vaccinations may still be recommended or required for travel to certain countries in accordance with State Department and CDC guidance.

Vaccine-Related Leave: Federal employees are strongly encouraged to remain up to date with vaccines, including recommended boosters. IMLS authorizes employees to take up to four hours of administrative leave to travel to the vaccination site, complete any COVID-19 vaccine dose, and return to work. If an employee spends less time getting the vaccine, only the needed amount of administrative leave will be granted. Employees are required to obtain advance approval for these administrative leave hours and supervisors retain the ability to approve leave during a time that does not unduly interfere with work requirements. Employees cannot be credited with administrative leave or overtime work for time spent getting a vaccine dose outside their tour of duty. Employees must obtain advance approval from their supervisor before being permitted to use administrative leave for vaccination purposes. Consistent with OPM’s memorandum on

COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters issued April 12, 2024, administrative leave is not authorized for Federal employees in the following circumstances:

  • When an employee is assisting a family member in getting a COVID-19 vaccine;
  • When an employee has an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine;
  • When an employee has COVID-19 symptoms and is isolating while actively seeking to be tested. Upon an employee’s request, supervisors may approve the use of sick leave for the above circumstances. Employees may also choose to seek approval to use other paid or unpaid time off in lieu of sick leave or choose to use various work scheduling flexibilities.

Leave Related to Isolation: As current CDC guidance no longer recommends quarantine or isolation based on COVID-19 exposure, weather, and safety leave is no longer authorized for Federal employees who are unable to telework. Federal employees who are eligible to telework should take leave or telework for the duration they are experiencing symptoms. If the employee is unable to telework because they are too sick to telework, or the employee is ineligible for telework and is sick, employees may request sick leave. Employees may also choose to seek approval to use other paid or unpaid time off in lieu of sick leave or choose to use various work scheduling flexibilities.

Face Coverings or “Masking”
There is no requirement for face coverings or masks. However, staff, contractors, and visitors are welcome to mask to their comfort level.

Environmental Cleaning
Custodial contracts include daily disinfection of all common areas such as restrooms, pantries, and stairwells. High touchpoint areas such as elevator buttons, door handles, and handrails are disinfected multiple times daily. All products used for cleaning/disinfecting comply with CDC cleaning requirements. Cleaning supplies are available for on-site staff to disinfect their workspace.

Hand sanitizers, with at least 60 percent alcohol and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are available at common gathering areas within the office. Disinfecting spray or disinfecting wipes may be found in the supply room.

Ventilation and Air Filtration
An important approach to lowering the concentrations of indoor air pollutants or contaminants, including any viruses that may be in the air, is to increase ventilation – the amount of outdoor air coming indoors. Using a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to ensure proper ventilation with outside air can help reduce the concentration of airborne contaminants, including viruses, indoors. The degree to which outdoor air can be brought into any building varies depending on the age and capacity of its HVAC systems.

GSA has responsibility on behalf of and in coordination with IMLS for coordinating with the Building Lessor operating and maintaining HVAC systems and working with the Lessor to ensure appropriate operations and maintenance in federally leased buildings.

Visitors and Contractors
Visitors and contractors (including federal employees from other agencies) will be allowed to enter IMLS facilities after reviewing and complying with the Pre-Entry Self-Initiated Assessment Checklist.

All Visitors and Contractors seeking access to the office are advised that they must both provide sufficient contact information (name, email, phone) on the Visitor Log at the front desk and agree to timely notify their IMLS POC if should they, following an IMLS office visit, become ill. The IMLS host shall ensure that each Visitor (and all non-badged Contractors) completes the Visitor Log at the front desk.

Shared Spaces
Hand sanitizer and disinfecting spray or wipes are in the supply room. If using a shared workspace, disinfect the workspace surfaces (desk, keyboard, mouse) after you conclude use for the day.


Any medical information collected from personnel will be treated confidentially in accordance with applicable law; such medical information will be maintained separate from general personnel files and accessible only by those with a business need to know to protect the health and safety of IMLS personnel. OHR Director Antoine Dotson will serve as the point of contact for all questions related to personal medical data.


Individuals who become ill are encouraged to inform those with whom they have had close contact. The IMLS will not formally conduct contract tracing.


All Federal employees are encouraged to consult the State Department website for resources concerning official travel. Countries may have their own entry and exit requirements.

Last updated: September 25, 2024