Foundation for Advancement in Conservation

Log Number: ARPML-250686-OMLS-22

The Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) will restore the capacity of collecting institutions to respond and recover from emergencies following the COVID-19 pandemic. First, FAIC will develop a mobile app based on its Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel. The app will establish a portable and easily accessible source of immediately usable information in English and Spanish for emergency response and salvage at no cost to the end-user, even in periods of widespread power or cell phone outages. The project also will replenish the stock of personal protective equipment used by National Heritage Responders and local Alliance for Response teams to respond to emergencies. These supplies, including gloves and N95 respirators, were expended at the beginning of the pandemic. Replenishing this equipment will ensure safe and timely responses by volunteers to emergencies affecting collecting institutions nationwide.